Understanding Well-being Data

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Selected non-academic publications


  1. Helen Kennedy, Mark Taylor, Susan Oman, Jo Bates, Itzelle Medina-Perea (2021)
    Context and prior awareness matter in public concerns about data uses: Findings from the 2020 Living With Data Survey
    Living With Data, University of Sheffield.
  2. Helen Kennedy, Susan Oman, Mark Taylor, Jo Bates & Robin Steedman (2020)
    Public understanding and perceptions of data practices: a review of existing research
    Living With Data, University of Sheffield. 
  3. Oman, S. (2018)
    Making Social Mobility Metrics Work: the Case of the Arts
    Arts Council England
  4. Oman, S. (2018)
    Introducing social mobility metrics into publicly-funded arts organisations: Report to Arts Council England: Findings from Phase 2 Pilot
    Arts Council England. 
  5. Oman, S. (2017)
    Mainstream cultural activities and subjective well-being
    A review of the evidence. Wellcome Trust 

Working papers, policy briefings, evidence summaries

  1. Oman, S. (2019)
    Problematising Participation as the Policy Solution to ‘Combat Loneliness’: evidence summary 
  2. Oman, S. & Edwards, D. (2019)
    NCT as a space to alleviate the loneliness of new parents
    Evidence summary.
  3. Oman, S. (2019)
    Measuring Social Mobility in The Creative and Cultural Industries – The importance of working in partnership to improve data practices and address inequality
    The University of Sheffield. 
  4. Oman, S. (2019)
    Improving data practices to monitor inequality and introduce social mobility measures – a working paper for the cultural sector
    The University of Sheffield.

Shortform articles

  1. Oman, S. (2021)
    Data are cultural: what does that mean for understanding well-being?
    Arts Professional, November 2021
  2. Oman, S. (2018)
    A Question of Class: how do social inequality metrics work in cultural organisations?
    AHRC, September 2018
  3. Oman, S. (2018)
    The Inequality Challenge in the Arts
    Arts Council England, 10 September 2018 
  4. Oman, S. (2017)
    Student Experience Survey 2017: investigating well-being at university
    Times Higher Education, 27 March 2017
  5. Oman, S. (2017)
    The Shared Society: wellbeing through participation and the need for research
    University of Manchester Policy, January 2017
  6. Oman, S. (2016)
    UEP research tackles the social life of well-being indicators 
    Understanding Everyday Participation, blogpost, October 2016
  7. Oman, S. (2015)
    Access in Higher Education: A triumph of hope over experience? 
    Discover Society, December 2015.
  8. Oman, S. (2015)
    Why government issued well-being may not make us happier 
    The Conversation, May 2015.
  9. Oman, S. (2013)
    A ‘snapshot of life’? What’s missing from this picture? Two years of measuring national well-being 
    Arts Professional, February 2013.
  10. Oman, S. (2013)
    Measuring National Wellbeing: the public debate that was never ours 
    Arts Professional, September 2012.
  11. Oman, S. (2006)
    ”Recent Graduates’ Exhibition as Education
    Curatorial essay, NYArts Magazine, June 2006.